
8th Annual EHTG Meeting 2024

Please answer every question

using a grade from 1 (not at all) to 5 (fully agree)
# Question Answer
1 How do you evaluate the technical implementation of the online meeting?

2 Were you happy with the pre-event registration services?

3 Were you happy with the management of requests / Q&A during the event?

4 Your overall impression of the program quality

5 The structure and overall concept of the programme is suitable?

6 Were you happy with the debate session?

7 Were you happy with the structure of the working group sessions?

8 Were you happy with the networking patient and nurse session?
(You can add free comments in the end)

9 Is the length of the meeting suitable?
10 Have you joined EHTG as a member?
11 Are you willing to actively engage in EHTG society?
12 Do you think that EHTG should form strong allegiance(s) to any other societies in particular?
13 Would you be interested in engaging in our Y-EHTG group?
14 Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation?
15 Do you agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias?
16 Do you consider joining us in Heidelberg in 2025?
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