All About the 8th Annual EHTG Meeting

We are delighted to invite you to the 8th annual EHTG meeting, online!

This year we envisage a lively program with selected hot controversional topics, debates, new interactive formats and our working group sessions with in-depth scientific discussions on dedicated topics.
Join us for two half days - Sept. 27-28, 2024!

Members of the EHTG can join the meeting free of charge. If you are not yet a member, click here to join the EHTG.
Invoices for membership and participation fees will be issued starting 1st of July, due to our fiscal year period.
Please fill in the form below, in order to register. Invited speakers and chairs do not have to register.

Please choose your congress online participation below (both days)

150 €
50 €
25 €
50 €

You are a Y-EHTG member if...
  • you have not yet defended your PhD (or equivalent), or
  • you are within 5 years of being awarded your PhD (or equivalent) and have not yet received tenure, or
  • you are a clinician, scientist or other allied professional new to working within hereditary cancer (<5 years)
Message to the Organisation

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